I’m chuffed that you have an interest in me.

Originally from Yorkshire, England, I moved to Canada in 2008. It was quite an adjustment but proved beneficial as it made me adaptable to new and unforeseen challenges.

Ever since I was young I’ve had a passion for visual arts and design, using any free time I had for drawing or painting. I continued exploring my passion for creativity, enrolling in any and every art class offered in school. Once I discovered the world of graphic design, I knew I found the medium to apply my passion for the arts to the working world.


I find that spending time working on personal art projects has great benefit on my design skills as it provides a space to try new ideas without being afraid to fail, because in art, failure is just a happy little accident!

Comic Collector

I’m a nerd, guilty as charged. I can (and do) spend hours searching through comic book stores to see all the old issues they have. There’s just something about comic books that normal books don’t have, maybe it’s all the pictures.


I am a huge fan of most genres of films, but horror movies are definitely a favourite of mine. Nothing beats forgetting your own problems for a few hours to get invested in the lives of fictional people.